About us...
Jonestown United Methodist Church is a fellowship of Christian believers who worship God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, and believe in the Bible as God's Holy Inspired Word! Our purpose is to challenge all persons to meet, love, and follow Jesus Christ; and to reach out in loving concern to the persons of our fellowship, our community, and the world. We know that this mission will only be realized through personal and total commitment to Jesus Christ; bringing about growth in worship, study, fellowship, and service.
We seek to incorporate the community growing up around us into the life of Jonestown United Methodist Church, by making a personal connection with people and introducing them to the living church through interaction personally and in small groups, growing personally and helping others grow in faith through fellowship opportunities, personal relationships, educational opportunities, and in our gatherings for the praise and worship of God.
Prayer is a wonderful opportunity to be in communion with God, communication both our needs as well as our gratitude and praise for God - individually, while gathered with others in small or large groups,
We call our weekly prayer group "Conversations with the Father". This group and our Phone Prayer Chain are lead by members of the congregation committed to praying with and for those in need, sharing their praises, and seeking God's direction, healing, and hope.
Our current pastor is the Rev. Alan Smith who has been serving at Jonestown UMC since July of 2021.
Stacy Fink is the Administrative Assistant who provides office and personal support for people to connect with the church and community, provide resources to assist people relating to the mission and ministry of the church in worship and service. She can be phone at (717)865-4369 or by e-mail at Secretary@jonestownumc.org.
We are blessed to be supported in our traditional worship accompanied by Marcia Slade and led by Norma Artz. Our praise and worship team for our contemporary worship service is led by Howard Lee and a team of singers and instrumentalists.